"The rule for all terrors is to head straight into them."
— Alan Watts, The Rule for All Terrors


VA-VA VOOM is the name but you can call her Mama or Va-Va if you like! Va-Va is a 40 year old (in rabbit yrs) female harengon who runs a theatre house full of peformers of all races, genders, and acts (winky face). She is a college of glamour bard who struck a pact with an archfey in her youth. She claims to be largely retired from adventures, but still gets the itch to travel once in a while just to have a break from her hectic life running a business. You think fighting a dragon is hard? Try making a schedule with 20 theatre kids.

She is bombastic, dramatic in her speech, and motherly in her impulses. Her likes include reading, sewing, and mugwort salad. Her dislikes include spicy food and ill-behaved young boys.


In her youth, she was a famous rakugoka who popularised harengon folklore amongst the wider public. She is famed especially for horror stories and her use of percussion instruments and magical theatrics to make her tales more compelling. However it was not always easy for her, at the start of her career she struggled to get her footing in such a niche artform and fell into a depression spiral. She eventually resorted to making a pact with an archfey, a nine-tailed kitsune, who offered to aid her with her storytelling in exchange for her services.

Her patron still hangs around but where once in the past he dealt with a young woman who would follow his every word for a crumb of fame, he now struggles to get the attention of a shrewd old woman who has grown immune to honeyed words and fearful snaps. They have, what the kids these days call a situationship, what magistrates would call a common law domestic partnership, and what Facebook statuses call Complicated.


Miz Voom is a short, fat, harengon woman in a black dress with a side slit that goes up to the mid of her thigh. The front of her dress is low-cut, reveaing her heaving...dewlap. Sometimes she can change to a very fancy adventure leather armor, with extravagant gloves. She has white fur, resembling a hotot rabbit with their white fur and black mascara. Earings of various styles hang from her ears -- chains, studs, small hoops, not enough to be obstructive but enough to demonstrate her grandeur to visiting harengons. Her face is round and shor in the snout compared to an average harengon. She always wears a silver fox fur shawl regardless of the ocassion.

She smokes a pipe of silvervine which can extend to reveal a sheathed rapier (a gift from her patron). She also wears a ring of mind shielding on her paw, to safeguard the secrets of her employees from unsavoury ex-lovers and disapproving relatives who come hunting for them.


  • Watership Down by Richard Adams
  • Downtrodden by @theveryworstthing