Char Kway Teow


Colour Notes

Since char kway teow is heavily customisable, colours are used to group ingredients in the order of frying. Think about which of the categories your secondary ingredients fall under in order to figure out when to add them





  1. Heat oil in pan
  2. Scramble egg, remove once done
  3. Add pork, fry until past done and oil is released
  4. Add minced garlic and fry until aromatic
  5. Add noodles, use chopsticks to spread open the noodles so there is no clumped noodle parts
  6. Add sauce ingredients one after the other (order: dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, fish sauce, soy sauce) and mix it with the noodles until thoroughly incorporated
  7. Add vegetables and fry til cooked. This is a good time to adjust seasonings but they can be adjusted at any time moving forward!
  8. Add prawns that require cooking
  9. Fry until prawns done, try to cook until liquids in noodles have dried up
  10. Add egg back in
  11. Add cockles last as they are already cooked
  12. Fry to remove excess liquid from the cockles
  13. Turn off heat and serve


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